Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Almost there!!

Well to say that it has been crazy lately is a huge under statement. Finally I am out for the summer and can spend this last week before the big day concentrating on all things wedding. ;) My mom and dad are actually on their way on town now to help us finish up some last minute details this week.

I wanted to share a few of the projects I have been working on the past few months.

Bridesmaids Gifts-- now that they have all received these gifts I can share them with all of you.

I got them all little tote bags with their names on them, made them a personalized hanger, wine glasses with their initial and name, pearl bracelet, earrings, necklace and flip flops.

My flowergirls got a personalized tote bag, pearl earrings and bracelet, coloring books/stickers, and little cups with their initial on them.

I made my dad these cuff links! They say Father of the Bride and I loved her first!

These are my flip flops!!!

After the wedding I will post pics of the favors, programs, water bottles, etc.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Bachelorette Weekend!!

Well it has been a while since I have posted anything, and I have soooo much to post. We are getting down to the wire and I have been so busy. We officially have only 28 days until the big day. OMG EKKK. I am  now starting to freak out a little, not that I am getting cold feet, but I feel like there is something I am forgetting. I keep having these nightmares that I am standing at the alter and I have forgotten everything. So I am making lists so nothing is forgotten. lol

Well two weekends ago was a bridal-festivities filled weekend and it was WONDERFUL!! I had my bridal shower Saturday morning thrown by my Matron of Honor Susan and her mom Stephanie (one of my other mothers). My other bridesmaids also pitched in on the food and making the shower pretty. I don't have but a couple pictures right now, but Mrs. Steph is sending them to me, when I get them I will post them.

My beautiful cousin Blayke and I at the shower

Lauren and Callie with me at the shower

Saturday was also NOHS Prom so I got to see my baby brother all dressed up for his senior prom.

Saturday night was packed full of surprises. We met up at Gameday for a little pre-game festivities.
My dear friend Bambi

 My girls (minus Channing)

After a quick stop at Gameday we made our next stop at Pints and Paints. My sister had them design a special painting for me and our big day. Since we got engaged on the pier on a full moon and we are getting married on the beach as well. She also had them add in something really special for someone that is always "in the picture." This is actually my painting...I am so proud of it and can't believe I actually painted it. lol

After Pints and Paints we headed back to Gameday for another surprise. The girls got me a LIMO. I have never been in a Limo before and it was fantastic. We took a limo ride to the ATL for dinner and fun at Dave and Busters. We had a blast! 

I truly have the BEST friends in the world! Susan, Channing, Jess and Michelle really went out of their way to make me feel so special and to throw me the best bachelorette day ever!    

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Getting Stuff Done!!

Well this was a very productive weekend and week! Saturday night Derek and I went and decided on tuxedos!!! It was really exciting! I also booked the beach house where my immediate family and part of the bridal party are going to be staying.

Today I was a half day for me so I used it to my advantage and got alot accomplished. I found a place to hold the rehearsal dinner. I also had an appointment with the lady doing our wedding cake!! I think that has to be the hardest decision I have had to make so far.. The cake. Probably since I have done so many and I am very picky, but anyway we love how her cakes taste and so I'm very excited.

I also went to my uncles for a trial hair run today. He was dead set on my having my hair all up, and I wanted it down. ( I think my face looks thinner when it's down and not pulled back) so I believe we came up with a GREAT middle ground... What do you think?? Now all that's missing is my wonderful cousin's beautiful makeup job!

Please remember this was a "rough draft" lol

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Aisle Runner and Guestbook!

Well I guess I am going to have to really get on the ball since as of next Friday I only have 4 months until the big day. YAY!! As of today we have 129 days...seems like that will fly by very quickly.

I met with the rental company yesterday and I am so excited about everything they will be providing. This past weekend I finished up a project I had been working on for a little while...the aisle runner for the ceremony. I had seen this on other blogs and on etsy so I figured I would give it a shot. I personally think it came out pretty well.

I would also like to share a sneak peek of our guestbook/photo book. I really like the idea of doing this as a guestbook and having family and friends sign this like a yearbook instead of a plain book that will just get put away somewhere. I plan on keeping this on our coffee table. There are empty pages throughout for signatures.
This is the front cover!
This is the inside cover!

These are pages that they can sign!

Well I guess that is about all for now but I am sure I will have more VERY soon!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

One Amazing Year!!!

On Sunday Derek and I celebrated our one year anniversary. I honestly can't believe it has been a year already, but on the other hand I feel like we have been together forever.

God knew what he was doing when he sent Derek into my life. I am so blessed and very thankful for everyday I get to spend with him. He makes me so happy all the time. I truly have found the love of my life and my soulmate. I can't imagine not spending the rest of my life with him. To top it less than 5 months I get to be his wife!!!!! Yay :) it will really be the happiest day of my life.

I knew early on that I wanted to marry Derek and I know some people thought I was crazy, and still probably do , but when you just know. I have had my share of heartache, but every time I would cry my mom always told me "Krystle, God is going to send you the man of your dreams and when that happens he is going to knock you off your feet." Well my mom was right (do you hear that mom, I said you were He really did knock me off my feet and the best part is my whole family loves him! He actually has even won over my 3 year old niece that was very jealous of someone else being in Aunt Krystle's life lol.

So I truly believe it doesn't matter how long you have known someone, when it is right it will feel like you have known them for years and you can't imagine your life without them!!

I love you so much Derek Shuman!! Thank you for making me the happiest girl in the world!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Wedding Planning Craziness!

Well I know I haven't posted a blog in awhile, but between graduating and the holidays things have been very crazy.

Speaking of graduation I wanted to share a couple pics!

With the family 

My Mama and Papa, said they wouldn't miss it for the world!!

Back to wedding stuff....things are moving along, but it sure feels like a rollercoaster. One day everything it going along smoothly and things are getting done, but then BAM! A crisis hits and everything goes downhill for a few days. Being so far away from my family and bridesmaids makes it a lot harder doing all of this then I ever thought it would be. I am finally done with school now so I can focus a little more on the wedding.  

According to all the “wedding planning calendars,” it looks like we are on schedule so that is a BIG relief.

The only challenge I have right now is getting Derek to realize the big day is right around the corner and we really do have to get on the ball. He is a guy though so I guess they don’t know about all this wedding stuff lol! 

I have chosen the bridesmaid dresses and the flower girl dresses, and my dress came in on Monday! YAY!! I made my appointment today for my first fitting in February when I go back home. 

It has been a lot of fun shopping with my girls for their dresses. I have the best friends (including my sis)a girl could ask for as well as the sweetest little nieces in the world.  

I do think I have the two cutest flower girls EVER!!

Now I am trying to find shoes so I have them in time for the fitting. I want something very comfy, so I will probably end up getting some cute blingy flip flops. 

Well that is all I have for now, but I promise I will have lots more soon!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


For those of you who may not cousin was killed in a tragic car accident a year ago this Sunday. Jordan was an amazing person that would do anything for anyone. He was loving and had a heart of gold. I can't even count how many times I picked up the phone because I needed his help and he would be right there. Even before he could drive I would go pick him up and he would help me do stuff around the house. Jordan actually came with my parents and grandparents to help move me to Savannah. My dad had his gallbladder removed and couldn't do much lifting, so Jordan of course offered to help, and a big help he was. By the end of the weekend he had unloaded the truck, poured concrete to fix the broken driveway (issues with the moving truck...long and sorta funny story), landscaped the front yard, unpacked my kitchen (putting stuff on shelves he knew I couldn't reach...just to give me a hard time), and painted a piece of my wall (which he did with my pastry brush from the kitchen lol). It was a wonderful weekend and one I will never forget!

I tell Derek I think Jordan sent him to me! Derek and I actually started talking a week after Jordan passed. It was a very hard for me, being so far away from my family and friends during this time. I like to think that he was trying to help me get through it a little easier all while falling in love with my soul mate.

I think of Jordan everyday and miss him so very much. Many people don't have that kind of relationship with their cousins, but I cherish everyone of mine and am grateful to have such amazing family members in my life.

I know if Jordan was here right now he would be so happy for me. He would also be going on and on about how he should be in the wedding because he would be the best looking guy there. As I look ahead at our wedding day, I know he will be there with us. I know he will be looking down on us with that big goofy smile of his. He will also be close to my heart on that day as well...

This charm will be attached to my bouquet. 

So when I walk down the aisle 7 months from tomorrow, Jordan will be right there every step of the way!